Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Buying and Selling Weapons to Contries in Conflict

Topic: Buying-Selling Weapons to Countries in Conflict: Enforcements and Regulations of Security Measures 1. Definitions important to the topic: -Arms Trade Treaty (ATT): On April 2nd, 2013 the General Assembly voted in favor of the Arms Trade Treaty, regulating the international trade of arms, from small firearms and conventional arms to tanks, military aircrafts and warships. It has the intention of destabilizing arms flow to countries in conflicts, to prevent human rights abusers and violators of the law from being supplied weapons and to avoid warlords, pirates and terrorists from acquiring this deadly tools. Until February 20th, 2014, 116 states have signed the treaty, however only 11 have ratified it, the treaty is ought to enter into force 90 days after the 50th state has ratified it. 2. What is the problem? The problem consists on the countries that are selling weapons to countries that are in the middle of conflicts and will use the weapons to harm people. The countries that sell the most arms are China, France, the USA, Germany, Russia and the UK. Why does the problem exist? It exists because there are a lot of countries that are constantly dealing with conflicts and therefore rely on military power to resolve them. 3. When did the problem start? We could say the problem started in the 13th century when arms were created, but the problem we are discussing, their sales, has been a problem since the 20th century. It has grown a lot in the last 50

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